Which is the best NGO in India that fights for hunger?
Fighting malnutrition in India is a huge challenge. Poverty and vulnerability make it harder for families to support their children’s health. One of the best charity organizations in India, World Vision India, helps to fight malnutrition and help children grow up to be strong and healthy.
Fighting malnutrition in India is not easy. It starts with awareness and knowledge which many families lack. They are unaware of the benefits of nutrition and good health. They rely on basic food and do not even think about providing vegetables and other nutritious food items. Such is their lack of knowledge.
Like in the communities of Mon district, Nagaland, World Vision India, one of the best charity organizations in India, provided poultry assistance, kitchen gardening, conducted awareness programme on hygiene, built toilets and provided clean drinking water to end malnutrition and to improve the quality of life for children.
3-year-old Tongtong’s family, received 50 egg-laying rainbow rooster chicks as part of the short-term economic assistance for the malnourished children. Malnutrition at Tongtong’s village was a combination of poverty, ignorance and unhygienic practices. Tongtong’s parents like most villagers are farmers and spent most of their days in the paddy field, leaving the breastfeeding children at home. This makes breastfeeding exclusively for six months almost impossible. This is one major factor of malnutrition in Tongtong’s case.
After keeping the chicks for a couple of months, Tongtong’s parents were able to sell some and keep some egg-laying hen. Eggs are a good food supplement Tongtong has been missing out on. By selling chickens, his parents are able to buy other food supplements and also take care of the family’s needs. The over dependence on rice as the main source of food, and the lack of proper balance diet also contributes to malnutrition among many children in the village.
“We sell some chickens and use that money to buy other food items like salt, sugar, oil etc. We are also able to keep some egg-laying hen. Tongtong’s health has improved,” said Tongtong’s father, Nyangpong.
World Vision India has health facilitators in each community including Tongtong’s village and they do routine check-ups of children. Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and weight measurements are taken to check malnutrition in children. Families with underweight children are given short-term economic assistance like poultry and kitchen garden.
Tongtong’s mother is also part of the 20 beneficiaries chosen for the Kitchen Garden initiative by World Vision India in partnership with Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Government of India’s agriculture extension centre). Parents with children under five years are selected for this community kitchen garden. Before World Vision India’s intervention Tongtong’s main diet include rice and very limited seasonal harvest from the forest like bamboo shoots. His parents were unable to provide nutritious food.
Now with the Kitchen Garden and eggs, Tongtong has unlimited access to nutrition. Fighting malnutrition in India becomes easy once families understand the gravity of the issue and take an effort to works towards ending malnutrition. With the help from one of the best charity organizations in India, families are able to learn and provide better for their children.
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